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Is the SCI revolution finally here?

It’s hard to overstate the daily challenges faced by people living with spinal cord injuries (SCI). From the physical and mental health toll to the barriers in accessing adequate care, life with SCI can feel like a constant uphill battle. However, for the first time in years, I’m genuinely optimistic about what the future holds…. […]

Rick Hansen Foundation School Program

Empowering Students Through Lived Experience In a world that strives for inclusivity and equality, understanding the diverse experiences of others is an essential part of education.  The Rick Hansen Foundation School Program (RHFSP) has embraced this need by bringing individuals with lived experiences of disabilities into classrooms across

Thumbs Up/Down

Thumbs UP…to the Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC), a non-profit, private organization in collaboration with 27 member sport organizations, for its new, redesigned website and enhanced digital presences. CPC also launched a new fan focused newsletter for the Paris Games and beyond. Named CAN Crew, the monthly newsletter connects fans with


A Moment of Calm By CMHA Research has shown that ambient music promotes relaxation and mindfulness while nature sounds have a profound effect on mental health. Canadian Mental Health Association and Little Symphony created this playlist to provide a moment of calm whether you’re resting, studying, or just taking a break. Hit play, and

In The News

Launch of Dyslexic U Led by Richard Branson, a team of passionate individuals have launched DyslexicU to teach the skills most relevant to today’s world, Dyslexic Thinking skills. (DTS) The courses are for anyone at any stage of life.  Case in point, “Made By Dyslexia” has recently revealed its new Intelligence 5.0 report that clearly


Abilities Magazine

A magazine serving a cross-disability network

Today's Kids

A national resource for parents raising kids with disabilities

Caregiver Solutions

Canada’s trusted source for caregiving advice

Rehab & Community Care

Canada’s magazine for rehab, geriatric, and pediatric professionals
