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Ambidextrous artist 

By Margherita Cole

Most artists spend a lifetime honing their drawing skills with their dominant hand. However, one exceptionally talented artist is creating realistic portraits using both her hands and feet. 

Based in the Netherlands, 29-year-old Rajacenna van Dam has become famous for her unbelievable ambidextrous drawing abilities. Not only can she draw with either hand but she has learned to use both her hands and feet to draw numerous projects at the same time.

In a video posted online, you can watch Van Dam seated at a glass table with four sheets of paper—two are spread across on top of a desk and two are laid out on the floor below. She’s sketching portraits with her right and left hands, alternating across the different pages every so often to ensure that the illustrations progress at the same pace. Rajacenna adds another level of difficulty by rendering each of the pieces upside-down to her. This makes it easier for her viewers to watch the magic happen, particularly her feet where paintbrushes are clutched between her toes on both feet. She can also glance down through her translucent desk and follow each painting’s progress.

By the time the video is over she’s created four large portraits. 


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