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You Gotta Have Friends Conference May 3&4, 2007


A conference about . . .
Discovering the Power of
Friendship and Belonging

May 3 & 4, 2007

Join us at the Coast Hotel in Langley, British Columbia for this first annual conference on belonging. Enjoy experiential workshops, keynotes from internationally recognized speakers and learn how to build relationships and promote inclusive communities.

Complete conference program, registration and
speaker details are found HERE

For information, contact You’ve Gotta Have Friends

Ph: 604-533-6546 / Email:

Thursday, May 3, 2007 – Opening Keynote – Azim Jamal

In an inspiring, thought provoking and uplifting keynoteThe Power of Giving – Azim Jamal will show you how giving leads to finding your calling in life and tapping into your enormous potential. With a shared vision and supportive community, individual calling and purpose becomes even more powerful. Power is created through giving – to ourselves, our family and our communities. Azim will highlight that “When we stop giving we stop living“! Azim, a leading inspirational speaker and an international best-selling author, specializes in transforming individuals and corporations to unleash their potential the Corporate Sufi TM way. Azim has received accolades from some of the world’s leading thinkers in the field of human potential including Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer. For more information about Azim visit

Friday May 4, 2007 – World Café and Public Presentation – Meg Wheatley

In addition to an afternoon World Café, Meg Wheatley will deliver a public presentation entitled Whatever the Problem, Community is the Answer. As we speed past one another in this increasingly rushed time, we often fail to notice what we’re losing – the power of working together. Trust, intelligence and motivation tend to decrease as we fail to work together. Dr. Wheatley will draw attention to the intrinsic power of community, visible in many cultures but fast deteriorating in Western culture. She will describe simple processes that work to bring us back together so that we may enjoy the benefits of healthy working communities. Meg writes, teaches, and speaks about radically new practices and ideas for organizing in chaotic times. She works to create organizations of all types where people are known as the blessing, not the problem. Dr. Wheatley is co-founder and President Emerita of The Berkana Institute, a charitable foundation serving life-affirming leaders around the world, and has also worked as an organizational consultant and professor of management in two graduate programs for many years.



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