Friendship comes – in Due Time
Friendship is a free gift. Some people make friends easily. Some look for friends and take an active part in developing friendships. Others wait.
I have lived with Peggy for five years. I don’t know when it happened but in the fifth year of our living together, I have realized that she is my friend.
Peggy and I are very different. We come from different countries, cultures and religions. We even back different hockey teams. Our differences became smaller as we shared our day-to-day lives together in Daybreak. We have shared along with others, the grieving of the death of David–a man who had been an important part of our home, the welcoming of new core members and the moving of friends from our household to places both near and far. Our relationship wasn’t always easy, but somewhere in this fifth year of our living together I have been given the gift of a new friend, Peggy, and I am grateful.