Color & Control:

We are We:nited! Superheros Advance!


we:nited is a free non-profit multi-media brand. Their mission is to “…inspire political awareness, participation, and discourse for a new generation.”

I have been very impressed with the range of interesting articles that flows through the we:nited site and now they have posted on us! They have an approach to branding important and interesting information in a way that is cunningly sexy. For that reason they are drawing more and more people into public discourse on issues that we should all be talking about.

Here’s how they described the Belonging Initiative:

Canadian Collabortive Targets Loneliness of Disabled

“A league of superheroes based in Canada are engaged in an epic crusade against isolationism. They don’t wear masks or capes, and they don’t have secret identities. If they did they couldn’t reveal it anyway! Equipped with a coalition of squadrons, an alliance with a national institute, and online weapons, The Belonging Initiative answers the call of Canadians who long for a sense of family and community.

The Initiative especially looks out for people with disabilities, exploring all the ways to constantly reaffirm that they aren’t alone and have unique strengths and special powers. A league of heros in Canada have got down with the Initiative, including the Canadian Down Syndrome Socitey, the Developmental Disabilities Resource Center of Calgary, and the Inclusion Press. Together they will destroy the evil forces of loneliness and create armies of new super heros.”


Hey Brian,
What a great job you’re doing with this blog! I check in every few days just to see what’s new and am blown away by all the good stuff you’re finding and sharing. Way to go!
Posted by: Avril | Tuesday September 12, 2006, 9:00 pm


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