We invited local mum, Crown resident, teacher at Nairn Academy and member of L’Arche Inverness Local Management Committee, Shona MacBryer, to share her thoughts on whay she was attracted to become involved in L’Arche Inverness Community and how she sees her role as a Local Committee Member.
A Warm Welcome…
What struck me first about L’Arche was the warmth of the welcome. It doesn’t matter whether the folk are busy or not, they always seem pleased to see you – and that’s no mean feat!
Meaningful Work and Training, at every stage in Life…
I work with young people with additional support needs and am very aware of the lack of opportunities open to them when they leave school. Facilities are often overstretched and under-staffed; the staff work very hard but can’t really cope with all the demands they have to face. The new workshop resource centre offers a great facility for people of all ages. Great things were achieved in the old workshop but I don’t think it could have stood up to another winter – or one of our summers. Those adults now being welcomed at this new facility enjoy meaningful work, producing lovely candles, plants etc and as importantly make friends and socialise. Celebrating is a big part of L’Arche life – any excuse for a party.
The retirement project will be just great – more people are living longer and the project is geared at addressing this next stage in people’s lives. I admire the attitude that the project embraces, that each of us are important at each stage of our lives.
Not just paperwork…
Being on the local committee has allowed me to become more involved in L’Arche Inverness. Balance sheets and paperwork don’t really do it for me but are very necessary for the running of the community, but underpinning all of this is the clear principle that L’Arche is all about people living and working together in community. I see tolerance and acceptance and the valuing of individuals and really enjoy being allowed to be part of it. Why not give it a go? You can get in touch with the community and find out if there is a way of belonging – as a friend, volunteer, assistant or committee member – that might just suit you.