be so obvious.
· Many people who experience our services are profoundly
lonely. Much of their suffering results from isolation not
· The ultimate success of a service system depends upon its
ability to help people to maintain and develop positive,
“enduring, freely chosen” relationships. (O’Brien, 1987).
· When people are connected to a social network, they are
generally happier, healthier, and better able to adjust to life’s
ups and downs.
· The benefits of our therapies and interventions cannot be
sustained in the absence of meaningful relationships. Relationships are a necessary pre-condition to long-term success.
· People who most need relationships are often relationship
resistant. Many are experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
as a result of betrayal and abuse. Our high turnover rates are retraumatizing
these individuals and it is unethical not to act.
· There is a big difference between coverage and relationships.
We keep giving people coverage (and programs and
interventions) when they desperately need to be in relationship.
· Caring about someone is not the same thing as taking care of
someone. You can’t make people care about one another but
the good news is that happens all the time.
· People should not have to “earn” the right to be with friends or
These statements are quoted from Loneliness is the Only Real Disability, an article by David Pitonyak.