Color & Control:

Tamarack’s Nurturing Belonging


Tamarack: An Institute for Community Engagement has profiled both the Disability Savings Plan and The Belonging Initiative:

A New Beginning

Canada is the first country to address the concerns of families whose sons and daughters with disabilities will outlive them.

An expert panel on Financial Security for People with Severe Disabilities, set up by Federal Finance Minister Flaherty, has recommended the creation of a Registered Disability Savings Plan, a matching Disability Savings Grant and a Canada Disability Bond for low-income families.

The panel’s report signals awareness of a pressing concern for many families, “What will happen to our relative with a disability when we die?”

The recommendations, if implemented, will be the most significant federal initiative for families of people with disabilities in 25 years. Up to three-quarters of a million Canadian families would benefit.

Across the country, there are thousands of people working to create a society that values, nurtures, and includes Canadians with a disability and their families. This issue of Engage highlights some innovative work and practice within the movement.

Learn about the Disability Savings Plan at PLAN Canada

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By: Louise Kearney



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