Color & Control:

TakingITGlobal’s Featured Theme on Disability


Artist Marijn de Vries hoogerwerff description of Perfection in Imperfection:
In art we see beauty in imperfection. We treasure our statues of the great Greek and Roman empires. Even with missing arms, legs and even heads they are still reflecting the beauty of the artwork, the human body as art form. Every human is a living artwork, their perfection is the imperfection. There is no creativity without diversity and difference. Look trough the stigma and see the beauty in everyone.

Description of TakingITGlobal’s most recent Gallery feature themed on Disability :
In conjunction with TakingITGlobal’s Featured Theme on Disability, the Global Gallery invites submissions on the body and disability. The purpose of this collection is to raise consciousness on the representation of disability in society and to showcase the work of artists with disabilities. Artists are encouraged to subvert stereotypical representations of disability by presenting alternate realities through photographs, paintings, sculptures, pottery, illustrations, and other visual art forms.


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