Color & Control:

Stories of Belonging: High School Buddy Pair of the Month, January 2007


From the Best Buddies website:
Renée Ellis and Courtney Gorrill (Meadowvale S.S.)

“The bond that has developed between Renée and Courtney is a true example of what a friendship should be.

Renée is someone who exhibits strength, courage, intelligence and a passion for life. She shows people that she will not be defined by her disability, but by the remarkable person that she is. Courtney is another remarkable young woman who shows her peers that being a friend is not based on what you can or cannot do. It is based on trust, respect and an understanding that everyone is different, and that those differences are what make a friendship so special. When these two amazing young women are put together, you see the true meaning of friendship….

Renée and Courtney email each other every other day, they have gone shopping for hair products, Courtney went to watch Renée bowl, they baked holiday goodies and have plans to get their nails done. They truly enjoy one another’s company. Their dedication to one another has gone beyond the Best Buddies program. They have a connection that continues to blossom. Their bond looks beyond any differences they have and focuses on making one another feel comfortable and important.

Neither Renée or Courtney are looking to win this award, but I can honestly say, I cannot think of two people who are more deserving of it. We could all learn a lot about friendship by looking to Renée and Courtney as an example!”

Ms. Snowden – Special Education Advisor


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