A request from a felow traveller…
Hello All:
Everyone here is in one way or another related to L’Arche. Call it 6 degrees of separation. One way or another you and I have met through L’Arche. You may all remember that my first short documentary “Where’s Your Home?” was about the ever charasmatic John Smeltzer. I have been developing a new feature length documentary about John’s life in the past half year, in order to take Johns story to a much bigger audience. The dream is bigger this time too. The new film is called “SPOON MAN”.
In needing to get creative about putting this together I’ve decided to take it to the net. We’re only looking for your moral support. Just a line or two to tell us, GO FOR IT! Check out this link: http://www.deiren.com/spoon_man_petition.html
Find John on stage with Natalie MacMaster and then follow the instructions about leaving your comments! PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO ANYONE YOU FEEL APPROPRIATE. The more the merrier.
THANKS ALL – Hope to see you at the movies!
SPOON MAN – 5 Min clip
Where’s Your Home: The Story of John Smeltzer
Born with Down Syndrome, now in his 50s, John is a fixture and a pillar of his community. He greets strangers with the question: “Where’s your home?” Life’s deepest question asked through John’s simple and clear life.
Here’s a link to another short movie about John:
If it helps, I was the one who was told about this initiative thanks to Melanie Thomas the NLACL (Newfoundland and Labrador Association for Community Living).
Wow, that “Spoon Man” video is amazing: it goes to show that no matter how ‘different’ people think someone is, we’ve all got something to contribute to society that few others would be able to!
Indeed, what they did to help the “Spoon Man” in that video is a great example of how we ought to help people belong!