Color & Control:

Peter Block and other resources


Some resources offered by Lynda…

The new book title I mentioned today:

“The Ten Faces of Innovation”. IDEO’s Strategies for Beating the Devil’s Advocate and Driving Your Creativity Throughout Your organization. Tom Kelley with Jonathan Littman. Doubleday, 2005.

(IDEO is a design firm that fosters creative thinking throughout organizations; the book has stories of how several corporations have nurtured and sustanied innovavtion and change-Proctor and Gamble, BMW, Samsung).

Vickie, I wondered if IDEO might be your corporate partner for the opening….!

Among the other books and work I am intrigued with and using are Peter Block’s. “The Answer to How is Yes”, and “The Empowered Manager”. As I relayed earlier today, his premise is “if you want to change the culture, change the conversation”. He presents alternatives to top-down thinking and management. Instead he is focusing on self enrollment and finding means to create powerful invitations and engage those who show up, which resonates with me and how I approach the world.

Also, you might be interested in Peter Block’s designed learning web site which talks about 6 conversations that build commitment (hit the link on the side bar on the left about “Six Conversations That Build Accountability and Commitment”).

We have used these with small and large groups for agency strategic planning or for less rigorous conversations. It works to bring people into the room rather than sitting back to hear what the experts have to say. Also effective in moving away from problem solving by creating/using a Possibility conversation which creates more energy and hope.



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