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Making Canada Post’s services accessible to everyone

“We are a dedicated team committed to helping our customers access their mail and remain connected to the world.” – Delivery Accommodation Team

“Your service has made a world of difference for me.” – Participant in the Delivery Accommodation Program


Now more than ever, persons with disabilities are leading more independent lives made possible through innovative technology, the implementation of accessibility programs and initiatives, and through provincial and federal legislation aimed at removing disabling barriers.

In an effort to be recognized as a leader and ambassador in removing barriers to accessibility, Canada Post has launched several accessibility initiatives. In 2014, Canada Post developed a delivery accommodation program to ensure all Canadians would have access to their mail and parcels. The delivery accommodation program is a mail delivery service designed to support residential customers with a functional limitation, mobility limitation or health issue to access their mail. The program is offered year-round, temporarily or seasonally and includes a variety of accommodation solutions including: mailbox key tuner, sliding mail tray, mailbox compartment adjustment, mailbox braille markings, weekly home delivery, and mail redirection to a family member or post office.

Each customer’s situation is unique and is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Canada Post’s accommodation program works with each customer in order to determine the most appropriate solution. The accommodation that is offered takes into account, among other things, the customer’s particular situation, their limitations, whether the limitation is permanent or temporary, and how the customer receives their mail.

Since it launched in 2014, over 22,000 Canadians have participated in the delivery accommodation program. The feedback from Canadians enrolled in the program has been positive.

To learn more about Canada Post’s delivery accommodation program and other accessibility initiatives visit us online at or call 1-844-454-3009.

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