Color & Control:


Deep Work 

By Cal Newport

Skyrocketing our productivity to new heights, ‘deep work’ is simply the ability to focus without distraction on a demanding task. Professor Cal Newport strives to transform your mind and habits so you can easily practice what he describes. The book explores why this effective methodology can bring benefits to those in any profession, and presets actionable steps for readers to enter this state.

Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally

By Emily Ladau
An approachable guide to being a thoughtful, informed ally to disabled people, with actionable steps for what to say and do (and what not to do). Ladau’s goal is to show how you can help make the world a more accessible, inclusive place.

Disabled people are the world’s largest minority, an estimated 15 per cent of the global population. But many of us, disabled and non-disabled alike, don’t know how to act, what to say, or how to be an ally to the disability community. Demystifying Disability is a friendly handbook on important disability issues for all.

Ten Speed Press

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