Color & Control:

Am I at risk of a fall?

Ask yourself these questions…

If you answer yes to one or more, you may be at a higher risk of falling.

Have you had a fall in the last 6 to 12 months?

Do you ever feel dizzy?

Do you ever lose your balance?

Do you have weak muscles or stiff joints?

Do you have problems seeing or hearing?

Do you have foot problems?

Are you ever short of breath?

Do you have to rush to the bathroom?

Do you have trouble remembering or concentrating on things?

Do you walk in places that are uneven, cluttered, slippery or icy?

Do you take 4 or more medications a day?

Do you drink alcohol?

Talk to your health care provider about how you can reduce many of these factors that put you at risk of falling at home.

Source: National Institute on Ageing

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