The Little Book to Land Your Dream Job
By Billy Clark and Clayton Apgar
It is breezy, a bit fun, encouraging yet honest. Clark and Apgar outline the elements critical to analyzing your professional identity and provide hints on how to pursue your dream job.
Little Book Productions

The 2-Hour Job Search
By Steve Dalton
Use the latest technology to target potential employers and secure interviews—no matter your experience, education, or network—with these revised and updated tools and recommendations. The 2-Hour Job Search rejects conventional wisdom in favour of a streamlined three-step approach where Dalton shows readers how to select, prioritize and make contact to land that critical first interview.
Ten Speed Press

Reinventing You
By Dorie Clark
Whether you want to advance faster at your present company, change jobs or make the jump to a new field entirely, the goal is clear: to build on your unique passions, strengths and talents. Consider this your step-by-step road map for the next phase of your career journey that will help you develop a compelling personal brand and ensure that others recognize the powerful contribution you can make. Mixing stories, interviews and examples from Mark Zuckerberg, Al Gore, Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin and others.
Harvard Business Review Press

By Jenny Blake
What’s next? When the average job tenure is only four years, roles change constantly and people plateau. But how do you evaluate options and move forward without getting stuck? This book will introduce you to the Pivot Method and show you how to take small, smart steps to move in a new direction—now.

By Dawn Graham
Stuck in an unsatisfying job? In the wrong profession? Written by celebrated career coach and psychologist Dr. Dawn Graham, Switchers provides proven strategies that go beyond the basics and tactics tailor-made to ensure your candidacy stands out.

Back to Work During COVID-19
By Canadian Abilities Foundation
A guide to assist with safe return to work during COVID-19 for families and caregivers.

Work and Caregiving: A Balancing Act
By The Ontario Caregiver Organization
Designed to help you manage the competing needs of work and caregiving while taking care of your health and happiness. It provides practical tools and tips to help you find solutions that could work for you and your employer. You’ ll learn ideas to help you manage caregiving, options for greater flexibility and support at work and tips for talking with your employer about accommodations. It will help you understand the importance of taking care of yourself and your mental health to find better balance in juggling daily life as a caregiver.

The Future of Work
A nine-person interdepartmental team looked at the changing nature of work. Facing a skills gap driven by automation and digital performance metrics, this insightful report sheds light on some of the changes we can expect. It’s an interesting read for those interested in the use of virtual reality and its effect on wages, types of jobs, taxes and labour laws.